SKAPr Consulting
Based in Scandinavia, working globally. We love to make a difference, helping teams and
organizations build high-performance learning organizations on a foundation of
psychological safety. Fearless Organization Scan (FOS) is part of our approach to delivering
practically relevant and pragmatic tools and methods for our clients based on science.

Norwegian English Swedish

Every day,
SKAPr empowers organizations to bring their people together to learn, develop,
collaborate, and drive progress. We can help you implement the Fearless Organization Scan
in your organization locally or globally.
If you want to qualify and become a certified FOS practitioner - we are here to help. You will
develop your skills and expertise in measuring and developing psychological safety in your
organization or as an external consultant.
Our training programs focus on your learning experience rather than the teaching
process. We offer a safe learning zone for deepening your knowledge, training your skills,
gaining insights, sharing experiences, and reflecting with the other participants and the
After becoming a certified FOS practitioner, we invite you to join our virtual community to
continue and deepen your learning in parallel with implementing the Fearless Organization
Scan in teams and organizations.
Let us help you to get started with Fearless Organization Scan and begin your journey
towards a more significant impact.