Caerus Change

Everything we do is focused on the creation of healthy organizational systems. Through a proactive blend of research and real-world experience we foster psychological safety on different levels; interpersonal and intrapersonal.

London, Amsterdam, Hyderabad

English Dutch

Fearless Organization Partner

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We deliver whole system change through the personal transformation of leaders and teams. Through data-led insights (such as the Organizational Scan) and an in-depth understanding of the underlying patterns of organizational and team dynamics we help leaders transform performance.

Our name Caerus (kairos) comes from the two Greek gods of time: Caerus and Chronos. Most people know Chronos as the god of the passing of time; the time we are always racing against.  Caerus is the god of the ‘right time’; the time that matters, the time that offers opportunities to deliver transformation. The time we are always seeking.

Within this ‘right time’ we have space to think and act consciously with purpose.  We are courageous and centered; capable of liberating the power of others rather than fearfully protecting our own.

Training Calendar of Caerus Change

Partner Start date Number of sessions Start time Time zone Location Target audience
Caerus Change May 12 2025 4 14:00 CET London All audiences Inquire
Caerus Change Sep 25 2025 4 10:00 CET London All audiences Inquire